Projections of Power in the Americas
Helene Balslev Clausen
Not Available
Helene Balslev Clausen and 2 more
The Memory of the Argentina Disappearances
Emilio Crenzel
Transnational Perspectives on the Conquest and Colonization of Latin America
Jenny Mander and 2 more
The Monroe Doctrine in a Contemporary Perspective
Denneth M Modeste
Mexico, 1848-1853
Pedro Santoni
Tuberculosis in the Americas, 1870-1945
Vera Blinn Reber
Hearing Enslaved Voices
Sophie White and 1 more
Education in Revolutionary Struggles
Andrés Universidad de Chile and 1 more
Negotiating Freedom in the Circum-Caribbean
Helen M McKee
The Missile Crisis from a Cuban Perspective
Håkan Karlsson and 1 more
Science and Society in Latin America
Pablo Kreimer
The Global Perspective of Urban Labor in Mexico City, 1910–1929
Stephan Fender
Traces and Memories of Slavery in the Atlantic World
Lawrence Aje
Jenny Mander
The Last Year of President Kennedy and the "Multiple Path" Policy Toward Cuba
The Middle Classes in Latin America
Mario UAM Cuajimalpa and 1 more
Andrés Donoso Romo
Cartographic Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Nineteenth-Century Americas
Ernesto Macalester College and 1 more
Kinship and Incestuous Crime in Colonial Guatemala
Sarah N Tulane University and 1 more
The Johnson Administration's Cuba Policy
Håkan University of Gothenburg and 3 more
Sophie White
Recasting the Nation in Twentieth-Century Argentina
Benjamin Bryce
Translating Cuba
Robert S Shippensburg University and 1 more
The Unheard Voice of Law in Bartolomé de Las Casas’s Brevísima Relación de la Destruición de las Indias
David T Providence College and 1 more
The Nixon Administration and Cuba
Social Struggle and Civil Society in Nineteenth Century Cuba
Richard E Middle Tennessee State University and 1 more
A New Struggle for Independence in Modern Latin America
Pablo A University of Brasilia and 1 more
American Divergences in the Great Recession
Daniele Università di Messina and 1 more
Problems and Alternatives in the Modern Americas
Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America
Karen SilvaTorres
Rio de Janeiro in the Global Meat Market, c. 1850 to c. 1930
MariaAparecida California State University and 2 more
An International History of South America in the Era of Military Rule
Sebastián HurtadoTorres and 1 more
Uruguay in Transnational Perspective
Pedro CamesellePesce
The New Pan-Americanism and the Structuring of Inter-American Relations
Juan Pablo Universidad de San Andrés and 1 more
Social, Political, and Religious Movements in the Modern Americas
The Policy of the Ford Administration Toward Cuba
Setbacks and Advances in the Modern Latin American Economy
US Public Diplomacy Strategies in Latin America During the Sixties
Francisco University of Extremadura and 1 more
Francisco Javier Rodríguez Jiménez and 2 more
Reterritorializing the Spaces of Violence in Colombia
Constanza López Baquero
Histories of Solitude
Lina Britto and 1 more
Histories of Perplexity
Fashioning Society in Eighteenth-Century British Jamaica
Chloe Northrop
Benjamin Bryce and 1 more
Mario Barbosa Cruz and 2 more
Narratives against Enslavement from the Court Rooms of Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Clara Lunow
The Political Coexistence of the United States With Cuba, 1961-1975
Krzysztof Siwek
The Dominicans in the Americas and the Philippines (C. 1500-C. 1820)
David Thomas Orique and 2 more
Police Writing and Radical Modernisation in the Porfiriato and the Conservative Republic (1870S-1910S)
Agustina Carrizo de Reimann
Richard E Morris
New World Empires
Ilhan Niaz
A Plurilingual History of the Portuguese Language in the Luso-Brazilian Empire
Luciane Scarato
Remaking Indigeneity in the Amazon
Esteban Rozo
Pedro CamesellePesce and 1 more
Writing Journalism History
Otávio Daros